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SAC-M says Myanmar Military is Engaging in Terrorism and calls for Global “Three Cuts” Strategy

March 28, 2021

28 March 2021: The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SAC-M) condemns the Myanmar military as an organisation engaging in terrorism, marking its Armed Forces Day with a barbaric massacre,... Read more

SAC-M devastated by news of fires in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps

March 24, 2021

24 March 2021: The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar, SAC-M, is devasted to learn of the fires in Balukhali Camp in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh, where thousands of Rohingya refugee... Read more

SAC-M raises alarm over growing likelihood of major lethal crackdown in Myanmar and calls for immediate intervention

March 14, 2021 SAC-M

 14 March 2021: The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar is alarmed at the escalating use of violence by the Myanmar military against the anti-coup civilian movement. It expresses grave con... Read more

Statement by CDM member at the Launch of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

March 4, 2021

Thank you, SAC-M leaders, for allowing me to join you today and say few words on the current situation on behalf of the citizens of Myanmar. Let me introduce myself first. I am one of the CD... Read more

Statement by Chris Sidoti at the Launch of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

March 4, 2021

The coup on the first of February is clearly a critical event in the history of Myanmar. But it was not sudden. Rather, it is a display of the power of the Myanmar military, the Tatmadaw, co... Read more

Statement by Marzuki Darusman at the Launch of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

March 4, 2021

The aims of SAC-M are three-fold: strategy, advocacy and information. To begin with, we will be very much tied up with the third pillar – information. We will be clarifying from the ground... Read more

Statement by Yanghee Lee at the Launch of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

March 4, 2021

I speak to you today during deeply troubled times in Myanmar. Unarmed peaceful protestors are being attacked by the security forces. Yesterday, many people were killed, shot in the head by s... Read more

Former UN Experts Launch Independent “Special Advisory Council for Myanmar”

March 1, 2021

 01 March 2021: One month after the military coup, three international experts on Myanmar have joined forces in a new independent group to support the peoples of Myanmar in their fight for ... Read more